PLEASE NOTE: Venue and Organizer fields are required. Incomplete submissions will be removed.

Jackie’s Aviary: Birds of a Feather

Margaret Lane Gallery 121 W. Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, NC, United States

Enter a bird lover's haven, a feathered fluttering fantasy where birds, arising from Jackie's joyful imagination, fly free. You will meet 2- and 3-dimensional birds, created from a range of... Read More →

Learn to Draw with Oil Pastels, an art clinic with Ron Weisenfeld

Margaret Lane Gallery Annex/F-Stop 2 302 W Corbin Street, Hillsborough

Learn to draw animals using oil pastels. In this two-day clinic you will learn techniques using oil pastels. All supplies are provided. A photo of an animal will be provided or you can bring your own favorite 4x6 photo of your pet! For adults and mature teens. Monday, January 9 and Tuesday January 10 10... Read More →


Fun with Mixed Media Collage with Jacqueline Rimmler

Margaret Lane Gallery Annex/F-Stop 2 302 W Corbin Street, Hillsborough

Join artist Jackie Rimmler to learn the basics of collage. Collage is a method of creating art through the assemblage of items (such as paper, paint, and other mediums and... Read More →
