Q: Is there a limit on how much funding I can ask for?
A: Yes, the maximum request amount for Artist Project Grants is $3,000.
Q: Can I submit multiple applications for multiple projects?
A: Yes.
Q: What about matching funds? Can my time count towards an in-kind match?
A: The dollar value of in-kind donations of goods and services MAY be used for matching funds; however, a “donation” of artists’ time may not be used as matching funds. We realize your time is a valuable resource and we want you to be paid. The value of an artists’ time is very subjective and hard to evaluate, therefore we’d rather you factor your pay into the request.
Q: I received a grant last cycle. Can I apply again this cycle?
A: Yes, unless you have not yet submitted a prior cycle’s report that is past due, or you failed to execute a formerly funded program. If this is case, please contact us at 919-245-2335.
Q: Does my request have to involve a greater community purpose, or can I just apply for things I need to be successful?
A: Our Artist Project Grants allow artists to advance their craft while positively benefiting the community. The purpose of this program is to support artist-led and artist-created projects for the community; this could include public art, support of arts spaces, or exhibits/performances accessible to the greater community. Artists seeking funding to support professional development should apply through the new Artist Support/Emerging Artist Grant program.
Again in this year’s grant cycle, we will be particularly mindful of projects that align with the current needs of our arts community. Projects that address our immediate needs for arts space and equitable access to the arts will be given special consideration.
View last year’s list of grant recipients here.
Q: Can I use this grant for equipment, supplies or professional development opportunities?
A: Artists seeking funding to support professional development should apply through the new Artist Support/Emerging Artist Grant program. Equipment or supplies that are part of a program benefiting the greater community are allowed.
Q: Why must my income equal my expense?
A: If your income was more than your expenses, then it would be a revenue-generating project, which is not the intention of this grant program.
If your expenses were more than your income, questions arise regarding the project and if it was well thought-out. You don’t want to plan – and our board doesn’t want to fund – a project that results in financial loss.
Q: What are the main tips you can offer to help me submit a great application?
A: First, be clear and concise. A grant application is never a place for flowery language. Our online platform will help with this thanks to word limits, but if you can clearly explain your proposal in less words, even better!
Second, try new things. Except for a few rare occasions, the panel prefers to fund new, innovative projects each year rather than the same project multiple times. This doesn’t mean ongoing projects will not be funded multiple years, but the most successful projects change and grow year to year.
Third, come to a training session. We know many of you have years’ experience in writing grants, but there is always something to be learned, often times from your peers during discussions had during the training.